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The Problems

Your Roof is perhaps the most crucial components of your home. After all, it protects everything that lives beneath it from the elements. And we all know how unpredictable and punishing the Great British weather can be. And yet so many people wait until it’s too late to fix their roof, even when they are aware that the roof is becoming older, collecting moss and thereby becoming more prone to leaks. Not to mention the fact that it has become an eyesore!

A growing number of people are becoming proactive and realising that by treating and thermally coating their roof is a smart move. Not just because it saves them from the massive outlay required for a re-roof, but they can also save money in the process.

Many issues may be in evidence upon a cursory inspection of your existing roof. But the worse problems may lurk beneath the surface. Spores from moss, lichen and other bacteria are absorbed into the tiles which then absorb water. Mosses can hold water up to 40 times it’s own size and weight which infiltrates your tiles. And what happens when this water freezes? It expands significantly and damages the host tile.

Roof Coating Manchester - Lichen RemovalMosses, lichens and algae are some of the earliest forms of life on this planet, preceding mankind by millions of years. They have remained relatively unchanged during this period of time and range from simple single-celled algae to the somewhat more complex mosses.

These growths cause several problems. They are living organisms which only require moisture, light and minute quantities of mineral salts to grow, however, they can grow on virtually any roofing material or surface. Their root systems have the ability to bore into solid granite up to 12mm.

Therefore, once established on tiles, they allow the passage of water into the substrate which gives rise to frost attack and shaling of tiles.

Roof Coating Manchester - Moss RemovalThese growths excrete acids, mainly oxalic, which attack the alkalinity of materials used, further weakening the tiles and bleaching the colour out. Mosses will grow up under the laps and cause capillary attraction of rain water resulting in roof leaks. When the mosses become large they are dislodged by heavy downpours of rain, resulting in the additional maintenance problem of blocked gutters.

Heavy moss contamination when soaked by rain will considerably increase the weight load on a roof. Once established these colonies lead to the rapid deterioration and breakdown of roofing materials eventually necessitating costly replacement.

Over the last decade the incidence of roof contamination from mosses, lichens and algae has increased at an alarming rate. In 1956 the Clean Air Act was introduced which subsequently reduced the amount of air pollution, and in recent years there has been a general reduction in heavy industries which has given rise to a much cleaner environment. This has resulted in a dramatic increase in the amount of airborne spores.

Thermal Roof Coating Solutions North WestIn addition our climate is becoming milder and as a consequence these simple plant forms are able to survive and multiply. Whereas in the past these growths have appeared predominately in rural locations, they have now encroached into inner-city areas and can be seen contaminating some of the most prestigious buildings in the UK.

The Roof Coating Solution

Simple cleaning of your roof will remove surface moss and provide you with clean tiles. And Improvearoof’s roof cleaning system starts from only £795. By following the clean with a anti-funcidal treatment we will kill the majority of spores that are lurking in your tiles. By finishing your roof with a thermal roof coating you will protect your roof for the future.

Click Here for further information on how to make your roof as good as new. Our Thermal Roof Coating starts from £1995, with Roof Cleaning from only £795.

About Us

We are a family run business offering Thermal Roof Coating and Roof Cleaning. We are based in Hazel Grove, Stockport and we have more than 30 years experience in the home improvement industry.

Improvearoof LLP

Contact us

Improve A Roof
97 Macclesfield Road
Hazel Grove
Stockport SK7 6DT
Open Mon – Sun 8am – 8pm

Freephone: 08000 469686

© Copyright 2025 Improvearoof LLP